Sunday, January 24, 2010


Birthdays are always difficult for me. My twin brother, Johnny, passed away when we were 20 years old of heart disease - high cholestoral! The bad kind! Thus I miss him sooooo very much. Johnny was born at 6:51 p.m. and I was born at 6:58 p.m. The last birthday we had together, we tried to call one another at the time we were born (Johnny was in the Army at the time and I was at work). We missed each other's phone calls! There's something very special when you have a twin. I miss him so very much! I miss my brother! Johnny is why I am a firm believer in living your dreams and taking the steps to make them come true! Life is too short to not give love, share love and have love! LIVE YOUR DREAMS!!!!!

My husband gave me this balloon which our dog thinks is his new toy. :)

My Best Friends and Fans

My Best Friends and Fans
Son Marcus and Husband John! Thank you for your support!