Monday, December 14, 2009

A Nice Thank You Note and Request for Help - Please Let Me Know!!

Hi Evelyn,

I don't know where or how to thank you enough for the litter coupons and continued support that you give. As you can see my hands are full. Two of the kitties (one is a mother of some of the kittens and the other is an older persian breed that someone kicked out) will be probably permamnent outdoor residents because of their age and familiarity witht their surroundings. However, the 10 kittens (5 each from 2 diff females) needed homes. I have found 1 a permanent home at this time. I can't just let them outdoors to fend for themselves for they have been babied and played with as indoor cats since they've been rescued. I have been working with the shelter that my 2 children have worked at to recieve any medical needs as well as their spay/neuters and shots which are needed.

I know this may be boring you but as you can see how much what a person as yourself can do to help. I feel embarassed to ask but your continued support is greatly appreciated. It really helps to cut the cost of the litter down as you can see how many litter boxes I have for them. I wish I could find someome to help with the cost or support of the food but unfortunately I haven't. Sometimes the hardest thing to watch is when they are still looking for more food and you have to limit to keep affording it.

I think I have taken enough of your time. Again I can't thank you enough and I don't know if there is anything I could ever do for you please don't hesitate to ask. You are a REAL miracle to me.

Please enjoy the photos..... Breakfast and Dinner get kind of wild around here. You mentioned to ask when more litter is needed ...and it is greatly needed . As you can see ....all the litter boxes keep me busy:)
Thank you,,,Thank you ,,,Thank you

Aline Hilton

If you know anyone that would possibly be interested in a beautiful animal.....Let me know.

My Best Friends and Fans

My Best Friends and Fans
Son Marcus and Husband John! Thank you for your support!