Saturday, November 21, 2009

Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation

Today I became a member of The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation which is sponsored by many companies such as Coke a Cola, Campbell's Soup, Kellogg's, Kraft, Smucker's, Shop Rite, GMA, Hershey's - the list is long.

The foundation was created out of the need to teach our children about living healthy lifestyles, good nutritional habits and reducing the epidemic of obesity amongst our youth which is a major portion of my platform "Healthy, Happy and Wise". Please visit the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation website for further information and / or become a member. Please spread the word about this awesome organization developed to help our youth. As you know, obesity leads to many health dangers. Please join me in the fight to help our children become the very best they can be!

Soon there will be a national public education campaign geared toward our children ages 6 to 11 which is supported by President Obama. The efforts will be addressed in corporations, schools and the marketplace.

My Best Friends and Fans

My Best Friends and Fans
Son Marcus and Husband John! Thank you for your support!